Your resources may be limited, but your training doesn’t have to be.
Our certified instructors deliver learning that’s in tune with the unique and extensive requirements of federal agencies. Balancing this with the kind of tech savvy delivery preferred by the contemporary workforce, we find a sweet spot among employers and workers alike.
Training development for complex guidelines and legislation requires uncommon expertise. Our Education Support Services team features certified instructional design specialists who share a combined 40+ years of instructional design development experience for six federal agencies. We work closely with you to create, deploy and support comprehensive, ADA Section 508-compliant programs. We provide training on a range of topics, and make courses available in ways that are convenient for you – from onsite with an instructor, to online through an asynchronous learning platform.

With instruction based on adaptive and smart training principles, you can expect sessions that maximize technical innovations and resources. This results in flexible programs that can adapt quickly to the changing requirements of federal agencies and programs. Our staff is always on hand to help navigate your onsite training logistics, answer participant questions and support program operations.
“I feel good when the people I’ve trained get kudos from their managers or receive promotions – their success is a reflection of how well I’ve done my job.”
Michelle H. Carter Training Specialist

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