
Division 1M5M6M recognizes associates for exemplary work in the third quarter of 2022

Coach of the Quarter – Edric Stephens

Edric Stephens, a Customer Service Manager, has been with the company for over 18 years and consistently reflects the leadership qualities that we look for in our coaches at Palmetto GBA. Through Edric's tenure, he has obtained positions of leadership as a customer service agent, 1-800 Medicare supervisor, and now holds the position of Customer Service Manager. Edric excels at working with team members. His great smile and open demeanor engage the team and assure them that their input is valued. Edric leads by example and is always willing to work closely with customers to ensure that their service needs are met. Congratulations, Edric, on your outstanding leadership and for being named our Q3 Coach of the Quarter for Division 1M5M6M.

Team of the Quarter - Part B POE

This year, the Part B Provider Outreach and Education (POE) team held its largest event of the year, MayFest. With a unique theme of "Navigating Medicare Waters," the event attracted many attendees. The presenters used quotes, poems, and songs that correlated with compliance, self-service tools, and troubleshooting denied claims and appeals. To add excitement to the mix, the team used sailor terms to correspond with their position, such as captain and shipmates. Each shipmate (member of the Part B team) followed the checklists that were supplied to them by the captains (management team) to ensure that the provider would enjoy the educational voyage. Overall, the event was a huge success, and the Part B team met their goals of increasing daily engagement, increasing attendance, and generating excitement for their virtual events. Congratulations to the Part B POE team on being named our team of the quarter! 

Team Members: Team Members: Kathy Boehm, Dana Carnaggio, Shannon Chase, Yoshiko-White Dimes, Keiona Henry, and Paula Motes

Process Improvement of the Quarter – Creation of Instruction and Procedure for SCR

Before the implementation of a new process improvement, documented instructions didn’t exist for the completion of a substantive claim review (SCR). Not every appeal needs an SCR, but when required, the process requires significant manual work to submit the claim letter. Post-improvement implementation, a new set of documented instructions and procedures provides staff with a resource to guide them when completing their reviews. This saves valuable time for the preparer and reviewers, as the steps are outlined to ensure proper documentation and efficiency. This new process saves around four hours per claim letter, resulting in significant annual savings for this team. Congratulations to the Reopening's and Appeals team for this outstanding process improvement!

Team Members: Brandy Gilbert

Associate of the Month (July) - Caitlin Allen

Caitlin Allen, a Customer Service Coordinator, is always willing to jump in and assist other teammates when needed. She is extremely detailed and ensures that all necessary information is communicated to teammates. She has mastered "HIGLAS," one of the more complex systems in her department, making her an all-star in her area. For her hard work and knowledge, she has been rising through the ranks of her department. Congratulations to Caitlin on being named our Division 1M5M6M Associate of the Month!

Associate of the Month (August) - Shemeka White

Shameka White, a Customer Service Advocate I, works hard and who offers exceptional service to providers. She works  until all their questions and concerns have been addressed. Shameka is an all-star member of her team who consistently hits her internal metrics and gives feedback and updates on ways that the department could improve. For her dedication to her team and customer service, we are excited to announce Shameka White as our Associate of the Month for Division 1M5M6M.

Associate of the Month (September) - Tammy Dodge

Tammy Dodge is a Policy Communications Specialist, who has extensive knowledge of organizational tasks within the Provider Outreach and Education (POE) team. One of Tammy's main tasks is to help with the inner workings of webinars, training, and outreach. Some of her tasks include ordering supplies, maintaining the equipment used daily, and coordinating deliveries and transfers within POE. Tammy works with integrity and accountability, possessing a laser-like focus on quality. She is a team player committed to helping POE and Palmetto GBA reach their goals. For all of this and more, we say congratulations to Tammy on being named our Associate of the Month.