
Congratulations to our new Manager of the Quarter for Q3 2022, Ursula Rosa

Ursula Rosa is a Provider Enrollment (PE) Supervisor who oversees the Jurisdiction J Part A team as well as a portion of the Part B who review, analyze, verify, and make processing decisions on enrollment applications. Ursula's guidance and foundational knowledge are vital to their success. She seeks to help develop the skills and talents of her team members and empower them to work independently to review complex applications and inquiries from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the provider community.

Recently, she also took the lead on the Box Approval Recommendation System (BARS) implementation. This new process sends approval recommendations to the State Agency (SA) and submissions to CMS Regional Offices. It was a complex implementation that required constant contact and interaction with CMS and SAs across the country. Her attention and focus during this process led to a smooth transition for the team.

For her leadership, dedication to the professional growth of her team, and desire to continually improve, we are excited to name Ursula Rosa as our manager of the quarter.