
Palmetto GBA employees earn accolades for finding customer-focused solutions

Employees come together to streamline process to improve data accuracy

Team members from the Competitive Bidding and Implementation Contract (CBIC) and Research and Analysis (R&A) came together to find a way to streamline the CBIC Exstream Process and improve the accuracy of reports generated from supplier notice documents.

Their recommendation to move all document creation to OpenText Exstream ─ software already implemented at Palmetto GBA and designed for creating mass documents ─ eliminated hundreds of hours of work. Prior to this implementation, PDF reports generated with a Structured Query Language (SQL) had to be manually cross-checked with their source spreadsheets to ensure data accuracy. Often, the data format changes inconsistently when information is transferred from the source spreadsheets to PDF, resulting in the need for dozens of employees to spend hundreds of hours manually reviewing each document.

The team developed a more automated process to design and deliver notices, providing the flexibility wanted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the quality and accuracy the contract demands. To ensure accuracy, the team used the existing Exstream software to automatically create and compare data. The team automated the transfer of data between each department to further ensure accuracy.

These steps have created a more consistent, verifiable and error-free process that is frustration-free for customers. They also earned this team the Division 34 Process Improvement of the Quarter.

Team Members

Lester Badillo, Mary Alice Barth, Erika Burrows, Jenelle Burkhardt, Karl Welch, Kenneth Arenz, John Chambers, Rajesh Chenji, Kevin Donahue, Vishnu Guvvala, Chetana Honnarayanahalli, Shun Malaisamy, Sai Mikkineni, Lillian Pais, Jamie Potteiger, Miriam Oravec, Mark Shuler, Sandy Sowell, Jagadish Vattikuti, Yubo Zou

Team implements more convenient login solution for customers while maintaining high security

The Infinitely Awesome 2.0 Google Authorization Team was presented with an opportunity, met the challenge head on and implemented a solution.

Customer feedback indicated the need for a simplified solution to the multifactor authentication (MFA) requirement when logging in to their accounts. Google Authenticator was suggested as a viable option, and the team worked to implement it. They reached out to Palmetto GBA’s System Security Office to begin obtaining approvals internally as well as to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The team concurrently developed and tested the effort while completing the required CMS Security Impact Analysis (SIA) documentation.

User feedback for the new Google Authenticator MFA option has been positive, with nearly 3,000 users enrolled. This team’s quick action to implement a solution based on customer requests is why they have been named the Division 34 Team of the Quarter.

Team Members

Robbie Cassel, Paige Easley, Jayaprakash Gude, Stephanie Hughes, Andrey Newton, Bharathi Pallerla, Suresh Rajaram, Justin Richardson, Jane Salter, Cameron Stringfellow and Divya Kumar

Coach of the Quarter committed to helping teammates excel

The Division 34 Coach of the Quarter is described by his teammates as patient and someone who not only exceeds customer expectations but also assists others to excel. Tyrone “Ty” Thomas, Statistics and Research Manager, thoroughly explains and devotes time to individual associates so that his mentees have a clear understanding of their objectives and how to get to a resolution.

Thomas also assists with associates outside his immediate team to ensure they fully understand what is needed to accomplish departmental goals. He often goes above and beyond normal tasks to exceed expectations and to share knowledge with others.

“When I request something or have issues, Ty not only does what I ask quickly, but he thinks outside of the box and very often identifies issues or offers suggestions to improve the process,” said Mark Scogins, Sr. Medicare Statistical Analysis Department Research & Analysis Analyst.

Chris Upham recognized for being invaluable resource, offering technical solutions

Senior Applications Development Systems Analyst Chris Upham is the definition of a team player.

His knowledge of the intricate application development process makes him an invaluable resource in providing technical information to the government, internal customers and his technical team. Upham represents Palmetto GBA in meetings with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its vendors. He is recognized as the go-to person for advice in proposed system changes and technical solutions and provides research to answer CMS questions.

He shares his expertise with the team and encourages them to solve issues on their own after offering suggestions and advice and motivates people to find the answer on their own before it is given, opening new avenues of thought they may not have considered, according to Application Development Manager Chris Adams. Upham’s proactive work ethic and dedication to helping his team succeed is why he has been named Division 34’s Associate of the Quarter.