Division 93 recognizes associates for exemplary work in the third quarter of 2021
Coach of the Quarter – Jennifer Perdue
Jennifer Perdue, a Training I Specialist, is a hard-working, motivating, and resourceful leader. When a project is presented, she takes the extra time to ask questions to understand the task at hand to provide the best possible instruction to her team. Jennifer is adaptable and uses all the tools at her disposal to accomplish goals, such as using Microsoft Teams to communicate ideas, new updates, and encouragement to her team. This resourcefulness and determination to support and lead her team make her Division 93’s Q3 Coach of the Quarter.
Team of the Quarter – Augusta Document Control
The Part A Appeals Technical Team is no stranger to hard work. In September, the team received a file that contained over 25 times more beneficiary letters than normal. These letters required mailing each beneficiary a separate copy of the appeal decision within 24 hours. Due to the normal print jobs and tasks of the team, the 24-hour deadline seemed to be unattainable. That was until the team decided to come in on a Saturday to finish printing and metering all the extra letters. Due to their determination and extra effort, the letters were mailed before the deadline, making this project successful.
Team Members: Gina Jenkins, Selena Haskins, John Sessions, and Daniel Toson
Process Improvement of the Quarter – Adding FAX Capability to Record Request Letters
Before the implementation of offering fax capability to record request letters, providers’ only option was to mail in the requested medical records. This process improvement resulted in time savings, as records do not have to be manually prepped by Benefits Integrity and scanned by Document Control.
The Benefits Integrity team averaged around 60 records receipts during the implementation month. On average, it takes about an hour per review to prep for scanning. The improvement has saved approximately 60 hours per month for the Benefits Integrity staff on manual prepping and around 730 total hours annually.
Team Members: Van Dixon, Taryn Herrmann, Tammy Keel, Ricky Newton, Becky Stroud, and Debra Watson
July Associate of the Month: Cathy Stroud
Cathy Stroud, a Document Control Coordinator, has been extremely supportive to her department during the work-from-home environment. Cathy is quick to jump in and assist whenever she can and is always willing to take on additional tasks if needed. Her willingness to step in when the team needs her has enabled the Document Control Team to fulfill all duties and help maintain all metrics.
August Associate of the Month: Josie Hydrick
Josie Hydrick, a senior quality assurance analyst, has a tremendous wealth of knowledge that she openly shares with her department. She consistently demonstrates a willingness to take on additional tasks for the team so that all goals, projects, and metrics are met regularly.
September Associate of the Month: Debra Powell
Debra Powell, a Claims II Processor, is part of the Railroad Medicare Claims team but also assists the Part B Operational Support Unit (OSU) with processing help screen additions, deletions, and updates. She shows an eagerness in her work and deeply cares about the quality, which has been monumental to her team. Debra is working directly with her department to help reduce the time it takes to process Part B help screenings. Debra’s enthusiasm for innovation and drive to motivate her team makes her Division 93’s choice for Associate of the Month.