
Division 34 recognizes associates for exemplary work in the first quarter of 2023.

Coach of the Quarter – Istvan Bathazi

Division 34 recognized Istvan Bathazi, a Senior System Support Analyst, for his outstanding performance in aiding our technical leadership. Istvan provides technical coaching to various application development teams and is a reliable source for many technical inquiries. He offers feedback on application development implementation best practices and frequently provides specific code examples to the application teams. As the technical lead for the DM3050 eCommerce Solaris to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server conversion project, he coached his teammates to ensure the success of the project. Istvan also advocates for open communication across the organization and has established multiple forums to track topics. He is frequently invited to speak at the division’s lunch and learn sessions. Congratulations to Istvan for his remarkable coaching efforts.

Team of the Quarter – Thumbs up/Thumbs Down Widget & Report Team

At Palmetto GBA, customer satisfaction is a top priority. To measure our customers’ satisfaction,  the eCommerce team added a helpful feature to our website called the Thumbs Up & Thumbs Down widget. This tool gives our customers the ability to provide instant feedback on any article or tool they come across on our site. With the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down report, team members can quickly access the customer’s feedback and make informed decisions regarding content changes. The widget keeps the eCommerce Web team abreast of our customers' needs so they can quickly address any issues that arise. Congratulations to our new Team of the Quarter!

Team Members: Gerald Eichelberger, Carol Harper, Steven Hester, Chris James, Marlowe Leverette, Katie McLean, Derek Roberts, and David Russell

Process Improvement of the Quarter – Lump Sum Processing Automation

The Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) Lump Sum Utility is a Medicare contractor tool that, depending on the elements that are input, produces an extract that calculates the difference between the original and revised Prospective Payment System (PPS) payment amounts. This process can be executed multiple times on the same day. Previously, when the end user requested the Medicare Technical Support (Tech Support) area to run the Lump Sum Utility tool, Tech Support would request the Lump Sum Utility to run at the Companion Data Services (CDS) data center.  Then, Tech Support would complete a Medicare Systems Service Request form to retrieve the files created by this utility and manually run several jobs to create a final product for the customer. Since there were several time-consuming manual stages in this process, and the frequency of requests were expected to increase, this produced a great incentive to look at ways to improve their workflow. The Medicare Systems decided to automate their process, producing a higher quality experience. Eliminating the manual process also resulted in increased efficiency. Great work and congratulations to the Medicare Systems team.

Team Members: Keisha Anderson, Lester Badillo, Betty Davis, Chris Hallman, Tabby Lynch, Robert McNeill, and Lee Price

Associate of the Quarter - Danail Wilkins

Danail Wilkins, a Developer IV, is responsible for managing all the extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes in his department. He diligently monitors at least 35 different load processes on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to ensure that all data is loaded without any issues. Danail has contributed significantly to improving his teams' daily processes and is always willing to help solve problems. He takes the time to research the issue and asks appropriate questions before diving in to resolve it. Danail always ensures that everyone is satisfied and that all work is thoroughly documented and vetted. He knows the importance of quality and data integrity and always strives to exceed the standard. Thank you, Danail, for all of your hard work and dedication to quality. Congratulations on being recognized as our associate of the quarter.