Division 28 Celebrates Third Quarter Awards

Coach of the Quarter
Daliyl Skinner
Daliyl Skinner is Division 28’s Coach of the Quarter for the third quarter of 2023. As a manager for the Medical Review Data Strategy Department, he didn’t just delegate tasks, he took the time to train members of his team and advance their skills. He also excelled at explaining important, and sometimes complex, concepts to clients. During weekly meetings, Daliyl encouraged his team to communicate and collaborate because he believes everyone has something to offer and collaboration will produce better results. While Daliyl has submitted many process improvements, he also helps others think through processes to generate improvements of their own. He is being recognized as a team player and a coach who excels at his job.

Associate of the Month—July
Hanna Langley
Hanna Langley has been selected as Division 28’s Associate of the Month for July because of her willingness to go beyond what is required of her to help the team provide superior customer service. As a senior medical reviewer in the Medicare Part A Medical Review department, Hanna often assists by answering provider questions via email, calling providers to offer assistance and helping her coworkers with training resources. Hanna is appreciated for her wealth of knowledge, positive attitude and her ability to keep a cool head in stressful situations.

Associate of the Month—August
Leslie Wells
Division 28’s Associate of the Month for August is Leslie Wells, a medical reviewer III in the Data Strategy Department. She consistently provides high-quality service to both internal and external customers. Appreciated for being thorough in many of her key responsibilities, Leslie is always willing to take on new tasks and is a great asset to the Data Strategy Department and Palmetto GBA. She is a hard-working associate who promotes a positive attitude and teamwork.
Associate of the Month—September
Tracy Boone
In addition to her primary responsibility for claims reviews, Tracy Boone has excelled this past year by making formal education calls for the Skilled Nursing Facility Targeted Probe and Educate program. For taking the initiative, she is being honored as the September Associate of the Month for Division 28. Tracey, a Medicare Part A medical reviewer II, volunteered to take on all the formal education calls for this new audit project because she wanted to ensure we offered our providers consistent education in a familiar format. Tracy’s contribution helped make the entire program a success.
Team of the Quarter
Medical Review Data Strategy Support Team
Division 28’s Team of the Quarter is the Medical Review Data Strategy Support team. Comprised of clinicians, operation analysts, Unified Program Integrity Contractor coordinators and an instructional writer, the team prides itself on open lines of communication, teamwork and regularly scheduled meetings. The team regularly exceeds expectations and recently earned a 100 percent passing rate for four Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan audit review requirements for Medicare Jurisdictions J and M. They also exceeded expectations by achieving a 100 percent on their timeliness reports each week. Also of note, the Data Strategy Support team is quick to assist other areas, including Provider Outreach and Education, the Provider Contact Center and Claims Operations, whenever they are needed. Their commitment to quality is demonstrated by the team’s submission and/or participation in four process improvement initiatives during just the third quarter.
Team members: Terri Artlip, Alesha Barr, Sheila Bell, Rashawne Coates, Kayce Coleman-Adkins, Cheryl Evans, Mary Evans, Chrystal Felder, Debra Goodman, Mary Hamill, Brae’lyn Holloway, Janet Jackson, Denise Phillips, Molly Reynolds, Shaunice Richardson, Shavonne Samuel, Richard Sowell, Chantel Warren, Leslie Wells, Jennifer Williamson