Customer Service Advocate Bernice Houston provides voice to those seeking help
The Customer Experience (CX) recognition honors Palmetto GBA associates who consistently go above and beyond. Their customers and co-workers applaud their commitment to being ALL About Service.
“My role is to have a voice for people that need assistance. I have been blessed to provide service to customers of Palmetto GBA for more than 40 years,” Houston said. “We all work together for one cause ─ to give the best service to our customers and to the company.”
Customer Service Manager Astrid Castillo notes Houston’s dedication to getting immediate answers for providers is among the reasons she is a shining example of what the customer experience should be.
“She goes above and beyond to make sure that when she’s addressing a provider’s concerns or questions that she’s providing a good explanation,” Castillo said.
For Houston, helping her customers is a reward all its own.
“I feel good about helping our customers and strive to do even better the next day,” she said. “That makes it all worthwhile.”